Building or sharing a bathroom with children is not easy. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to gain more space and comfort and Theo Mineault has decided to share with you its best advice to allow you to have a spacious and functional bathroom.
1. Sort out Everything
In order to gain more storage space, it is essential to sort out your personal belongings in order to be able to free up more space and to estimate the storage space needed and adapted to your needs.
2. Hang up Baskets
There are several types of baskets or hooks that can be hung on the wall to promote ergonomic space in your room. Remember to also bring your drawers and cabinets with practical accessories to store more things. Namely that there is also multipocket storage wall that can easily hang on the door for quick access to all their effects: toothbrush, bath toys, etc.
3. Promote Autonomy
As a parent, you should promote your child’s independence and autonomy and it is for that reason that we strongly suggest that you to place everything they need at the right height so that it will be easily accessible. If your child is too small, suggest that they use a small step ladder to access the sink. Privilege easy-open cabinets. Theo Mineault offers doors with soft closures that can prevent any incident or damage.
4. Secure the Room
It goes without saying that a child-friendly bathroom must be safe. So put all the potentially dangerous products out of reach such as razors, medicine, electrical appliances, etc. You can then place your items in a closet that you can lock or at a high height. We also suggest you bring a non-slip mat to prevent a fall at the exit of the bath.
Finally, for more advice or more information, we invite you to contact us.